Wednesday, 24 February 2016

5 Ways That Content Can Capture Attention

Content needs to be shared in the right channels in order to capture the attention of target audience members, but there are additional things that you can do to stand out in those channels. Remember, the Internet is full of distractions and noise. It’s necessary to do everything possible to increase the click through rate of content.

Here are 5 ways for content to capture attention:

# Engaging headline

The headline of your content is essentially what will convince someone to click through to read more or skip over it. It needs to be engaging and capture the interest of your target audience. The same concept is true for email subject lines and social media posts. Numbers work well in a headline. If something is numbered that means that the content will be organized in list form. This makes it that much easier to browse, which is appealing to people with limited time.


It’s necessary to consider SEO when publishing any content online. Promotion is how people will find your content in the short term, but SEO is how your content will be found over the long term in the search engines. An optimized post that is still relevant can deliver traffic to your site on an ongoing basis. Conduct keyword research and use relevant keywords that have search volume as inspiration for each post. Incorporate selected keywords into the title, headlines, meta description, body copy, and alt tags.

# Add an image

Attaching an image to your content mostly helps when sharing it in social media. It draws the eye to the post. The image should be relevant and something that will capture attention. It’s worth investing in good photos, especially if your product or service includes an important visual component, like interior design or construction. According to this infographic by Wishpond, posts that include photos receive 120% more engagement than the average post.

# Google Authorship

Google Authorship is a way to claim ownership of the content that you publish on the web and to promote that content in the SERP (search engine results page). When you set up Google Authorship, your content appears in the SERP alongside your picture and byline. Your content might not be the top result, but if it’s the only result on the SERP that has an image, it’s going to draw attention. By adding the image and the byline next to the link, it will increase the click through rate.

# Utilize hashtags

Hashtags (keywords preceded by #) can be used to search for specific topics in social media, most commonly Twitter. You can use popular hashtags that are relevant to your post or make up your own hashtag to create a community.

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