Friday, 26 February 2016

Turn Offline Activities into SEO Success

The other day I was talking with one of our SEO clients and they wanted to know if there was any way they could turn this trip their CEO was taking to NYC to attend an invite-only roundtable into some SEO success. 
Since the roundtable was closed to the media the usual event promotion activities, the speaker bios, and event recap blog posts (all potential sources of links) were out. So how was our client to leverage their time spent as their roundtable for their SEO success? Here are a few ideas we came up with:
Turn Offline Activities into SEO Success

1. If the main discussions are off-the-record (to promote honest discussions), have some on-the-record conversations on the side.

The roundtable is supposedly off-the-record, so attendees can speak as themselves and not as representatives of their company. The goal is to promote open and honest communications among these thought leaders without having to watch what they say and worry about it coming back to haunt them or their businesses. But just because the roundtable is on lock down that doesn’t mean their CEO can’t ask to chat on-the-record with a few of the other attendees. We suggested he come up with 3 questions that he could ask a handful of the other presenters, and their responses could be used to write fresh content for their blog. Citing the other presenters in the blog post could lead to extra social shares from them and their company, which generates social signals and potentially links.

2. Since the CEO is visiting a few media publications as part of his trip, make sure he is getting cited as an expert.

In addition to the roundtable, the CEO is planning on visiting a few industry publications and associations based out of NYC. He is supposedly doing a few interviews, a podcast, and other events with the media. Each one of these media interactions could generate a few solid, high-quality links. 

Once he gets back from NYC it’s important that our client’s marketing team follow up with those organizations and make sure he is getting cited in any content they create based on his visit. This is not only a great way to build highly relevant links back to their site, but also help build the CEO’s personal online authority. Those industry sites are bound to generate plenty of visitors and natural links over time as well.

3. Network, network, network!

One of the best things anyone can do at a conference or roundtable event is to network. You never know what is going to come out of those connections! For instance, the CEO might be invited to speak at another event, he might be interviewed for an industry publication, or he might connect with another industry thought leader that is willing to guest write for the company blog. There is no denying the power that social media has to connect us with each other, but face-to-face interactions are just as important as ever. The people you meet at conferences can have a huge impact on your long term SEO success.

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