Monday, 8 February 2016

Ways to increase website traffic using SEO services

1 – Create “pillar content”

Pillar content is informative that attracts most of the readers. Pillars keep buildings from falling to the ground and the same principle applies to blogging. Pillar content should have all in and out information that’s packed full of useful hints and tips. Usually the pillar content is over 1000 words and has lots of great value. In addition, pillar content is referred as link worthy.

Content should be Seo Optimized using SEO services.

Important Seo service Tips While Publishing Post
You want to make your blog as resourceful. Your aim is to encourage your readers to visit your posts regularly.
Focus on generating a resource for your blog that has useful information and provides the reader with advice or solutions.

2 – Interlink your posts

Wikipedia, the Internet’s most popular encyclopaedia uses internal links continually and constantly. Good referencing is an excellent method of gaining more page views.
When you post a new article, review your previous articles and find out what content is relevant. The great advantage to Wikipedia is that it constantly interlinks information. If you’re trying to increase your search engine ranking for a certain article, use SEO services to interlink your content together.
Google loves natural linking. A Hire SEO expert has the distant advantage of interlinking your posts using key phrases rich anchor text.
Remember to keep a balance when interlinking your posts. Avoid using too many links in your article – otherwise your reader will stray from the other original article.

3- Create a list post of your best blog articles

This is an easy method to round up a diversity of articles that you feel are going to interest your reader. List posts also provide opportunities for your readers to click through further on your blog. Plus this method allows you to showcase some of your classic posts.

4 – Add a Sitemap

Usability is so important. You must install a sitemap plug-in. I suggest using the PS Auto Sitemap or a Hire SEO expert to create a Sitemap. It’s easy to install. You may have a monthly archive in your blog sidebar – it’s not user friendly – all it tells me how many articles you’ve created in a month. Blog readers are lazy. Help your blog readers out. You must be more concise.
A sitemap is the index of your website. A good site map is displayed in logical order to make it easier for you. Google loves Sitemaps too. The search engines can crawl your content faster and it’s a win-win situation for everyone.

5 – Use Relevant Categories

If you’re going to have links in the sidebar use categories, because it’s relevancy that your readers want. Don’t expect your readers to guess! Thinking requires effort. Usability is crucial. A good blogger or web designer and a Hire SEO expert understands the importance of usability.
Relevant categories will provide simplicity – not only for the readers but for you also. You must focus on creating a streamline blog where articles can be linked. Categories are brilliant for readers, because they can search for relevant criteria in one area.

6 – Give away something

To create a successful online presence we must contribute. Create something for free. Don’t even expect an email address back. You’re a new blogger and you’re unknown to the rest of the world. It’s going to take some time to become popular. However, if you create an e-book for free and begin some heavy promotion using SEO services, chances are you’ll become noticed, if the e-book is well written.
An eBook doesn’t require any hardcore design skills. This can be easily created in Microsoft Word. No need to use Quark Express or Adobe InDesign. Creating a successful reputation takes time to build. Giving anyway some freebies is a great way to promote your blog and traffic.

7 – Develop a series of articles

Just like a TV series, each episode continues from the previous one and in proper sequence. Consider creating a range of articles that become a series. If you’d made a 10,000 word article that could be ideally broken down into episodes – break it down. A three or five part series will also give your readers a reason to subscribe to your RSS feed. Provide cliff hangers to your blog series articles and give your readers a reason to return.

8 – End with related articles

You’ve created an excellent post. You’ve engaged the reader and they’ve left a comment. You’ll always find that some readers want to know more about a certain subject. Help is at hand. Install the Yet Another Related Posts Plugin for WordPress – this handy plugin displays relevant links at the bottom of your article.

9 – Create an FAQ page

Every industry has its own vocabulary especially the Internet and SEO services. Do you think your readers know what an RSS feed is? Create information that educates your readers. Plus interlink those terms to a glossary.
Some readers won’t be familiar with terms like: PHP; conversion rate; bounce rate; SEO services; Google Page Rank or PPC. A glossary can be an easy method to educate your readers.
10 – Display your popular articles
There are a variety of methods of displaying popular articles used by Hire SEO experts. You can use an: image slider or you can display popular articles in your sidebar. However, you choose to focus on highlighting great information for your readers.

11- Get Posts Analytics, Reduce Bounce Rate

It happens sometimes, we could not able to analyze where our contents are lacking.
So to overcome this basic problem, firstly you should take a view on page views stats daily, Bounce Rate.
Bring on some creative changes in them like, adding certain useful bullet points, adding images, adding related post links etc.
No matter, if you make tweaks in your contents on daily basis according to your creativity.
It’s simple to define. Check out Bounce rate first, make tweaks in your contents and then check out your bounce rate. Repeat the cycle until you got least possible Bounce Rate.

12- Use excerpts

On your home page of your blog, avoid placing long streams of text on your blog. You want readers to click further into your site. Remember your home page is like the front page of a magazine.
Usability is vital for a successful blog and to generate page views. Apply the above techniques to your blog today.
Hope, this article will help you and give you a clear idea to create a successful blog post. Keep sharing this post and let bloggers grow successfully. Feel free to share your comments below. I will appreciate your feedback.

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